There are a lot of good books on this subject, and it is impossible to list them all. Under Endorsements you can find NDErs who wrote a book; their names are also listed below together with other writers.
NDE stories
Tienke Klein (De Kiem)
Anita Moorjani (Dying to be me)
Eben Alexander (Proof of Heaven)
Nancy Rynes (Awakenings from the Light)
Chris Batts (Boom!: The Life and Times of a Suicide Near Death Experiencer)
Rev. Bill McDonald (Warrior: A spiritual Odyssey, and other books)
PMH Atwater (latest book: The Forever Angels)
Mary Catherine Volk (Believe in forever)
M.K.McDaniel (Misfit in Hell to Heaven Expat)
More writers to appear (site is under construction)
NDE Research
Pim van Lommel (Eindeloos Bewustzijn, Consciousness beyond life, and many other languages),
Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven, and Rudolf Smit (Wat een stervend brein niet kan) (The Self does not Die),
Nancy Evans Bush (Dancing past the dark, about distressing Near-Death Experiences)
Nicole Le Blond (L'Expérience de Mort Imminente: une extase mystique)
More writers to appear (site is under construction)